3D Printed Gifts For Valentine’s Day

3D printed gifts 4

February is the month of love. Although the weather forecast does not show it, spring is surely coming. Despite the grey skies and frigid temperatures that seem to announce rather Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the first spring holiday, this February 14th is slowly making us get out of our warm, cozy homes and start another shopping round.

Surely, Valentine’s Day can bring quite some anxieties for the single ones and the taken among us alike. If you are the ultra-romantic type and look forward to planning this, this article is of no use to you. For the rest of us, Valentine’s Day, generally means wringing our hands trying to figure out the ultimate questions in life: “Should you buy a gift? How personal should it be? What if they don’t like it?” If you are somehow lucky enough to be flying solo this year, by choice or by circumstance, focus on not making this holiday feel like a social death sentence to you!

This year, fortunate ones will find the answer to all their questions in the 3D printer. Nevermind those meaningless chocolates and cuddly teddy bears. Forget about the impersonal card, and save your wallet from that costly dinner reservation! The ultimate 2015 trend for gifts is that of personally customized, designed from the heart, 3D printed gifts. Both creative and memorable for your sweetheart to simply adore. Should it happen that you are alone? Make sure that you treat yourself with the acomplishment of a new project that you are planning for such a long time!

Combining modern romance and 3D printing, CGTrader, created a Valentine’s Day 3D Printing Challenge. “ 3D printing brings to the table the unexpected, the impossible-made-possible and the truly personal,” they said.

This Challenge, started January 14th,and already has one winner for the best 3D model uploaded in the competition. Get some inspiration and start working on this project. There are just 3 days left!

  • For the Dapper Gentleman: Clip-on Bowtie (€109.63)
  • 3D printed gifts
  • For the Stylish Lady: Ribbon Ring by AMINIMAL studio (€279.05)
  • 3D printed gifts
  • For Baking with Love: Icing Syringe ($25)
  • 3D printed gifts
  • For the Avant-Garde: “The Kiss” 3D Printed Model ($10)
  • 3D printed gifts 4
  • For the Math Lover: Klein Bottle Opener (€58)
  • 3D printed gifts



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