Xuberance Shows How They 3D Print Dresses

Xuberance uses nylon powder to 3D print dresses

For most, the search for a wedding dress before the long prepared wedding moment becomes just that, a desperate search to find the best. Nowadays, unlike the old victorian days, women simply are not skilled in the art of sewing or tailoring anymore. Our social structure and habits have changed and the solutions for keeping old customs, such as the wedding gown, alive are going to deeper and more technological horizons. These years, it is certainly unusual for a bride or her mother to design and sew a dress, specially made for the wedding. With the use of 3D printing, however, this trend may actually catch up in the future.

Xuberance is the design studio based in Shanghai, that has presented two brand new 3D printed wedding dresses at the late TCT Asia, on March 12. The two 3D printed dresses were admired by thousands of people attending the conference and everyone was impressed by the amazingly beautiful details of their design.

Xuberance uses nylon powder to 3D print dresses

Xuberance is an innovative design studio that is world wide recognized for their work. They combine digital technology with innovative materials to explore new limmits and unwalked paths in design. The 3D printed wedding dresses were made using selective laser sintering (SLS), where material is built up in layers from nylon powder fused together with a laser. The ready madel pieces are both soft and durable, and they are comfortable to wear, as the models confessed.

The 3D printed wedding dresses present the unique type of innovative touch that many brides are looking for. They give the opportunity to integrate a little something ‘new’ into the wedding event. More important, each bride has now a unique opportunity to actually materialize the wedding gown f her dreams, although she only gets the chance to wear it once.

The price of the 3D print dresses might be just as high as a tailored mad one

Right now, the 3D printed dress costs around 20,000 yuan (USD 3,190), and it takes one week to print one dress. The future will show how the market receives this new product and how the demand for it might influece prices.

Founded by Steven Ma, Bin Lu, and Leirah Wang in 2008, Xuberance also produces stunning 3D printed accessories and offers training and workshops for 3D printing. On the company’s online store you can find a variety of accessories to be purchased.

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