Next Time You Rent an Apartment, you will be Immersed in 3D. Here’s Why.

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Reading the title you might be a bit confused and curious at the same time.

So let me first answer the question you have in your head when clicking on this article.

Have you ever rented or bought an apartment? I bet you have. Did you ever feel like “ I don’t want to go all the way there” or “These photos are awful. But the apartment is nice, so I might need to go visit it”, “Where is the AC? Does it even have one”?

I know I have. Especially with the photos; they are awful. Some real estate developers offer quality photos, but those still don’t satisfy me.

Not anymore. We’re introducing Virtual Tours through interactive 3D architectural renderings and interactive virtual tours into the mix.

What are those?

You might fairly ask; that’s a mouthful.

Virtual Tours are basically what you see on Google Maps through the “Street View” feature. Only it’s for indoors. They are panoramic views or photorealistic 3D renderings that offer a 360 view of a venue and lets you navigate through it as if you were there.

Even Amazon does it for some museums.

But we are taking it a step further. We add interactivity and make these renderings a great way to better visualize and interact with an apartment in 360 degrees.

Take a short look at it:

Why do people like it?

The demo shown above explores most of the features, but not all of them. Plus, you won’t see all of these features when renting an apartment, but we’ll get to that shortly.

People feel this is going to disrupt the industry. It directly soothes their pains (mentioned in the introduction) and makes it so much easier to rent an apartment both for you and for the real estate agent.

Talking about features, you watched the video (didn’t you?). You saw what this can do. Now, just imagine the possibilities.

Let’s imagine a scenario. You are supposed to move out because you changed your job to another city or state. Therefore, you need to look up “apartments for rent in Ohio” or something like that.

You enter a website with tons of listings. You click on one that you like and there you have it. Instead of 37 bad photos that still don’t show anything but a bed, a sofa, and the stove, you will be prompted with an embedding containing a 3D model of that very same apartment that you can navigate by yourself.

You can see a 360 view of any room, go to any room you want, and if you really want to better see that 2 inches spot on the wall, you can zoom and see it better.

Other features you will see are, for example, how the lighting is in the house in the morning, at noon, and at night. You could switch on and off the lights. You could also go to the window (or balcony if you’re lucky) and see the exact view you have from there.

Isn’t this awesome?!

How does the industry see it?

This is a nice tool that will eventually make its way to you, but it will take some time. For you to rent an apartment in this way, the real estate developer or the listing website needs to make virtual tours for every apartment (or just push a premium price for the landlords so they could benefit from this feature).

However, for the industry, it’s a game-changer. You won’t see someone renting a $3 million penthouse just looking at a bunch of photos. Just imagine the leverage the real estate developers using this will have over the others.

Every day, there are entire residential neighborhoods being built, or just apartment buildings. They need to sell their recently built venues, and the quicker, the better. They are already using this, as a matter of fact.

Especially when talking about the real estate industry, real estate developers, architects, and even interior designers can all use this kind of visualization for every layer of the development process.

How will Real Estate Developers and the Real Estate industry use it?

Let’s take a very simplified example of a process.

A Real Estate developer wants to build a new residential neighborhood.

He will most likely hire architecture and urbanism companies to help him with the design of the infrastructure, parks, buildings, areas, etc.

First, these companies will use heavily technological tools to make the photorealistic models of their ideas. But working with clients is hard. So they will be able to use this tool for adding interactivity to their project.

This will allow real estate developers to move freely through the premises when pitching the project, as well as changing in real-time textures, colors, lighting, etc. They will be able to change the lawns with just concrete or change the wall colors, the furniture, etc. In the face of the client, in just a few seconds. This will surely add some pitching points.

Moving on.

The project is to establish and the real estate developer will present it to investors in the very same fashion (maybe without the configurations). He and the investors will walk through the premises of the future real estate project.

Next comes construction, where this tool might not have too many implications, but then, it will reach you.

The developer will embed it on their website so that you can go and find the apartment/house of your dreams by walking through it.

Just add an Oculus 2 VR headset to this and you will feel like you’re already there.

Future endeavors

This is a novel technology, it’s still in its early stages, but it has lots of potential.

The whole process of designing, building, and selling/buying real estate properties will offer a better experience on the real estate developer’s website rather than in person. Which you may only do if you really want to see it in person if you are into that kind of stuff.

More features will be added if proper funding is accessed. Now, you can move through the building, see the balcony view, change furniture, etc. Which is cool enough.

But in the future, you may be able to:

  • Turn on and off the lights (maybe even the shower and stove if you want)
  • View how the apartment looks like at any time of the day
  •  Meet the neighbors (turn on the TV and see their social profiles there or something).


The future is a lovely place. Renting an apartment will be much much better with way less of a hassle. The real estate industry has a lot of value to extract from such a technology, and so will everyday Average Joe when he wants to rent a new apartment.

Such interactive technologies will easily surface in the future and become ubiquitous. Why? Simply because it will increase user satisfaction and offer a better user experience.

Businesses know that those two factors are key for increasing both volumes of sales and conversion rate.

We offer this technology and it’s ready for market

We are trying hard to push this into the mainstream. We believe it is truly revolutionary and that it will disrupt how people interact with digital environments.

We don’t only use this technology to make interactive virtual tours for real estate developers, but we’re constantly looking for other solutions and industries we can implement it for.

We also use it for all kinds of projects such as Exhibitions, Booking tickets for sports or cultural events, e-Commerce, and even Car Configurators.

Do you like what we are doing? Don’t hesitate to contact us or share this article with someone you know who might be interested.

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