British Columbia Launches A New Virtual Tour For Tourists

virtual tour for tourists

Making one step forward from the Google Street View armchair travelling, British Columbia is using virtual reality to attract new tourists to the Canadian land.

The material needed for the virtual tour for tourista was filmed with drones and backpack-mounted camera rigs all over the Pacific Coast’s Great Bear Rainforest. The result is a spectacular virtual-reality experience that aimes to lure morefolks to visit the province.

“The video provides people with the opportunity to get a newsense of what is like to be in B.C.,” said Maya Lange, the vice president of global marketing at Destination BC. The feeling of the powerful nature around you, and the impressive wildlife and the wilderness that BC has to offer the world is greatly transmitted by the video.

Surely you can chose to look through old fashioned travel brochures, but as of today, trend setters are invited to strap on an Oculus Rift VR headset and experience British Columbia without even leaving their living room couch. The video provides the choice of two distinct paths: that of the breath-taking coastal views of sea lions, and that of the alpine interior that explores BC’s waterfalls.

“We tried to make it really interactive as a personal experience, that besides from being immersive, and giving people the opportunity to make choices also feels as travelling therough B.C.,” David Giovando, associate creative director with Dare Vancouver, explained.

“I think virtual reality video allows Destination BC a really great opportunity to engage the potential traveler in that emotional conversation about why they should visit our destination,” confessed Janice Greenwood-Fraser, one of the managers of trade media relations at Destination BC.

The developers of the virtual tour for tourists

The video of the virtual tour for tourists is now available for travel journalists, as the project developers want to test it before making experience available for tourists, next year. Should the Oculus Rift headsets become available for the larger public of consumers, the developers will provide a downloadable copy, immediately.

Unfortunatelly,the consumer version of the Oculus Rift is still a work in progress. Recently, Facebook purchased Oculus VR for $2 billion and the company turned into an independent subsidiary thet employs over 200 people.

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