Acer’s and Microsoft’s 400$ VR headsets

VR headsets

The new VR headsets announced  last year by Microsoft, at BUILD 2017, are comming up. The VR set will be compatible with the Mixed Reality platform of Windows 10 and will be available this summer for developers worldwide. By the end of 2017, they are hoping to also present solutions for users, according to their schedule in launching the next component of the platform, in the Fall Creators Update.

The Acer headset will be delivered will be available together with the new Microsoft VR controllers and do not need any additional sensors for 3D positioning. The headsets are fully compatible with the Mixed Reality platform and will be able to read the user’s movements while offering the possibility of placing VR objects in the same spatial coordinates with external real objects that the user could collide with.

Excuse me, what is the price of VR?

The full system consists of headset and two controllers and will be available for $399. The developer’s option lacks the controllers and will only cost $299. The later will be available to order this summer.

From the price –point of view, the Acer VR set is definitely unique. It is $250 cheaper than the Oculus and half the price of the HTs one. As the two are dedicated to a public oriented mainly towards using VR for gaming, Microsoft is surely trying to touch a much wider part of the creative public that could be interested in using VR in their everyday activities and in their future projects.

There are still some facts that need to be considered, apart from all the newly presented advantages. The headsets are tethered, and therefore still dependent on a computer. So the obvious question is, how powerful will the PC powering these headsets need to be? The promise made last year included lowering the specs needed from a $1 500 system to a $500 one. It that will be the case, we might be looking at one of the most accessible VR sets, for now.


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