Over the past decades, the Internet has elevated the way people live. It revolutionized how we communicate, research, think, do business, and basically everything else.
In the beginning, it was all ugly and slow. Most of us remember.
However, it has evolved beautifully. Now we usually are not at the mercy of internet speed. Unless you’re in an isolated place, forest, mountain, or live in the UK, you are good.
Most websites are very beautiful and easy to navigate, the apps as well.
Millions of jobs have been created such as Web Developer, UI/UX Designer, and most of the remote jobs. This opened a whole new range of opportunities for the people of the world.
When it comes to the future, people are anxious about the future of work, especially with the push towards more automation, feeling that this would decimate job positions. But this will also add plenty of jobs.
However, this is not the purpose of this article. The focus is the interaction with the web in the future.
Source: “Six great ideas to implement AR/VR in your business” Available at: https://sixsigmastudios.com/blog/six-great-ideas-to-implement-ar-vr-in-your-business
Virtual and Augmented Reality will merge with Virtual Tours
I am a strong believer in the pivoting towards Virtual and Augmented Reality approach to interaction, as gargantuan players like Facebook and Apple (especially with the quality of Apple to be a trendsetter) invest tens of millions of dollars towards this industry.
This will radically change our lifestyles again, in previously unforeseen ways. We wrote an entire article about this.
Virtual and Augmented Reality, as being a fundamentally different approach will require novel display techniques and interaction philosophies. Here is where Virtual Tours come in. When you can see everything on the web in front of your eyes as opposed to on a screen, well, you will not be limited to static photos and listings.
You will be able to literally walk through websites to shop for items, watch videos, Netflix, visit museums, art galleries plus other cultural sites or events, and rent apartments. Maybe blog websites will be a literal virtual library.
All of these possibilities are achievable, and are closing in on us fast. Mainly because people want faster access to information from the moment they think of a question or query, and because companies are doing everything they can to capture users’ attention and create more and more immersive experiences.
The Internet will be a very different place than what we are accustomed to right now. A novel paradigm shift will occur that will grant us faster access to information and will display it in more immersive and intuitive ways. This will create new jobs, new approaches to business as well as business opportunities, and will ease our lives even more. What a time to be alive!