3D Virtual Tour Experience of RRS Discovery

3D virtual tour experience - ship deck

Digital Surveys recreates a memorable virtual tour experience with the help of 3D technology. Formed in 1988 Digital Surveys is a company specialized in all types of surveys, dimensional control and industrial measurement services, from UK. Their initiative is truly unique.

RRS Discovery was the last traditional wooden three-masted ship to be built in Britain. It was designed for Antarctic research and launched as a Royal Research Ship (RRS) in 1901.


3D virtual tour experience - ship deck
3D virtual tour experience – ship deck

Amazing 3D virtual tour experience of the ship

The process involved a laser survey, made in order to create virtual tours through Oculus Rift headset possible. The survey was later used in order to recreate a realistic 3D version of the RRS Discovery. This was possible by using the available video game technology. Visitors can now explore a complete prototype that recreates the atmosphere of the ship’s wardroom in the finest details.


3D virtual tour experience - cabin
3D virtual tour experience – cabin

The program allows users to move around from one room to another, sit at a table and peek into the cabin of Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton. The future development of the program will bring the possibility of walking the decks and climbing the rigging of the ship, as the news are telling us.

3D virtual tour experience - room
3D virtual tour experience – room

The virtual tour was created thanks to the initial laser survey, which had aimed to produce an accurate record of the ship’s structures for conservation planning. The great follow up that allows anyone to simply sit in their armchair and take the tour, is extraordinary.

The project has been funded by the Scottish government’s recognition fund, awarded by Museums Galleries Scotland. As the museum’s officials stated: “Bringing Captain Scott’s ship directly to people in their own front rooms and offices around the world is a fantastic achievement, and Dundee Heritage Trust is reinforcing the city’s status as the technology capital of Scotland with this innovative project.”


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